"Thriller" – Learn the Dance

We're back with another thrilling update on Gateshead Thrill Day!

Hopefully you've had a chance to familiarise yourself with the original video for Thriller and gain an idea of some of the choreography you could be performing on Saturday 26th October as part of a world record attempt for Largest Simultaneous Dance.

But, in order to participate in the Thrill the World world record attempt, it's vital you learn the official TTW choreography. 

The TTW choreography is slightly different to the original "Thriller" music video.  The changes are to make the choreography more accessible to non-dancers, and to make sure it follows the world record rules. 

The originators of Thrill the World have created an unparalleled compilation of online video tutorials that you can follow to learn the TTW choreography.  The videos take you from the very basics right through to the finished product, and the way they teach it makes it accessible to everyone

Ready to get started?  Learn the Dance Now! 

Prefer things to be written down?  You can download the written choreography (the 'dance script') by clicking HERE.

Or you can learn from past record breaking attempts. Check out Seattle's 2018 record breaking attempt HERE.

It's important for us to stress that our Gateshead Thrill Day is designed to be a truly accessible event, so if you have a disability, chronic illness, or anything else that prevents you from performing the choreography as set, please do feel free to moderate the movements and personalise them to your ability and preferences.  If you aren't sure how to moderate the choreography yourself, then please send us an email via thrilltheworldgateshead@gmail.com and one of our dance instructors will be on hand to assist. 

Learn the Dance, Thrill the World - #ThrillGateshead


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